Curriculum Laboratory
In the words of great educationist John Dewey, “ the absence of a social environment in connection with which learning is a need and a reward is the chief reason for the isolation of school, and this isolation renders school knowledge inapplicable to life and so infertile in character.” This lays stress on co-operative learning that can best happen in a human – material co-ordinated environment. If the purpose of education is to satisfy the real needs of individual child growing up in 21st century, it follows that the curriculum is in constant danger of being outdated unless it is continually subjected to a sensitive and intelligent review. The mechanical repetition of traditional procedures of teaching- learning has been the butt of enlightened educational criticism throughout the centuries, so updating curriculum of teacher training programme becomes must. And to give this updated curriculum a more practical base, this has been made more socialized, self-paced and trainee centred by HPU, Shimla in 2015.
One of the important changes that was accepted by the college too, was the introduction of curriculum laboratory that comprises of various sections such as Psychology section, Mathematics section, Science section (Physical Sciences + Life Sciences), Social Sciences section, Commerce and Language Section (Hindi, English, Sanskrit). The lab is specially designed, equipped and staffed for the purpose of guiding the teacher trainees so that their theoretical foundational and pedagogical knowledge can be practically applied in serving the society.